Aniseeds Siftings Anise Sifted, Pimpinella Anisum

Origin : From Turkey, Turkish Origin
Producer : TAREGE, Turkish exporter
Product details:
Aniseeds siftings, anise sifted (scientific - pimpinella anisum) from Turkey is an export product of Turkish exporter Tarege Trade.
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Aniseeds, also known as anise, scientific - pimpinella anisum, native to the eastern Mediterranean region but cultivated in southern Russia, southern Europe and in many other countries such as Pakistan, China, Chile, Mexico. In Europe anise is used since 1400's. Its proved that in 1500's B.C. Ancient Egyptians used anise as a spice and for medicinal porposes. Romans prefered anise-cakes after heavy meals to aid digestion. Also in ancient times anise plant was placed by the pillow to prevent bad dreams. Anise has up to 4% volatile oil.

Because of it's sweet taste, anise is used in baked goods, sweets and liquours. Turkish dolma, British aniseed balls, Italian biscotti, Norvegian knotts are just the few of the regional and ethnic dishes. Also some national liqueurs, such as raki (Turkish), ouzo (Greek), sambuca (Italian) and pastis (French) are the anise-flavored liqueurs.

Anise is an antibacterial, antviral and antispasmodic oil seed.

Turkish origin aniseeds siftings, anise sifted is an export product of Turkish exporter Tarege Trade.

Sifted aniseeds, anise from Turkey is an export product of exporter from Turkey, Tarege Trade.

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